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Code Name Image Price  
161927 Achillea millefolium Skysail Bright Pink 36 Strip Tray Achillea millefolium Skysail Bright Pink    36 Strip Tray $97.69
55875 Alternanthera dentata Purple Knight 36 Strip Tray Alternanthera dentata Purple Knight    36 Strip Tray $95.26
94080 Anemone sylvestris sp. 288 Tray (285) Std Anemone sylvestris sp.    288 Tray (285) Std $176.99
149072 Aquilegia x hybrida Kirigami Deep Blue & White 162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std Aquilegia x hybrida Kirigami Deep Blue & White    162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std $207.36
149075 Aquilegia x hybrida Kirigami Red & White 162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std Aquilegia x hybrida Kirigami Red & White    162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std $207.36
105118 Asclepias tuberosa sp. 162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std Asclepias tuberosa sp.    162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std $146.88
150450 Asparagus densiflorus Myersii 162 Tray (160) Std Asparagus densiflorus Myersii    162 Tray (160) Std $198.72
87513 Aster novi-belgii Believer Purple 162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std Aster novi-belgii Believer Purple     162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std $194.40
73627 Aster novi-belgii Believer Purple 51 Strip Tray Aster novi-belgii Believer Purple     51 Strip Tray $99.14
103442 Aster novi-belgii Blue Henry I 162 HD (160) Tray Std Aster novi-belgii Blue Henry I     162 HD (160) Tray Std $194.40
103137 Aster novi-belgii Henry I Pink 51 Strip Tray Aster novi-belgii Henry I Pink     51 Strip Tray $99.14
103445 Aster novi-belgii Henry I Pink 162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std Aster novi-belgii Henry I Pink    162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std $194.40
87523 Aster novi-belgii Henry III Pink 162 HD (160) Tray Std Aster novi-belgii Henry III Pink     162 HD (160) Tray Std $194.40
87519 Aster novi-belgii Henry III Purple 162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std Aster novi-belgii Henry III Purple     162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std $194.40
74335 Aster novi-belgii Henry III Purple 51 Strip Tray Aster novi-belgii Henry III Purple     51 Strip Tray $99.14
74336 Aster novi-belgii Marie III Dark Pink 51 Strip Tray Aster novi-belgii Marie III Dark Pink     51 Strip Tray $99.14
74337 Aster novi-belgii Peter III Blue 51 Strip Tray Aster novi-belgii Peter III Blue    51 Strip Tray $99.14
87529 Aster novi-belgii Puff White 162 HD (160) Tray Std Aster novi-belgii Puff White     162 HD (160) Tray Std $194.40
139521 Canna Cannova Bronze leaf Orange 36 P Strip Tray Canna Cannova Bronze leaf Orange    36 P Strip Tray $115.18
152612 Celosia plumosa Dragon`s Breath 162 Tray (160) Std Celosia plumosa Dragon`s Breath    162 Tray (160) Std $177.12
155661 Chrysanthemum Garden 24KaraMum Bronze 162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std Chrysanthemum Garden 24KaraMum Bronze    162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std $168.48
155584 Chrysanthemum Garden 24KaraMum Bronze 51 Strip Tray Chrysanthemum Garden 24KaraMum Bronze    51 Strip Tray $81.93
108001 Chrysanthemum Garden Adiva Purple 162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std Chrysanthemum Garden Adiva Purple     162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std $168.48
155432 Chrysanthemum Garden Aduro Orange 51 Strip Tray Chrysanthemum Garden Aduro Orange    51 Strip Tray $81.93
Achillea millefolium Skysail Bright Pink 36 Strip Tray
Code: 161927

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 3
Height: 14 inches


Alternanthera dentata Purple Knight 36 Strip Tray
Code: 55875

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 16 inches


Anemone sylvestris sp. 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 94080

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 2
Height: 12-20 inches


Aquilegia x hybrida Kirigami Deep Blue & White 162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std
Code: 149072

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 2
Height: 24-30 inches


Aquilegia x hybrida Kirigami Red & White 162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std
Code: 149075

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 2
Height: 24-30 inches


Asclepias tuberosa sp. 162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std
Code: 105118

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 4
Height: 24-36 inches


Asparagus densiflorus Myersii 162 Tray (160) Std
Code: 150450

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 18 inches


Aster novi-belgii Believer Purple 162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std
Code: 87513

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Height: 6 inches


Aster novi-belgii Believer Purple 51 Strip Tray
Code: 73627

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Height: 6 inches


Aster novi-belgii Blue Henry I 162 HD (160) Tray Std
Code: 103442

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Height: 6 inches


Aster novi-belgii Henry I Pink 51 Strip Tray
Code: 103137

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial


Aster novi-belgii Henry I Pink 162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std
Code: 103445

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 4
Height: 48 inches


Aster novi-belgii Henry III Pink 162 HD (160) Tray Std
Code: 87523

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial


Aster novi-belgii Henry III Purple 162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std
Code: 87519

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 3
Height: 12-18 inches


Aster novi-belgii Henry III Purple 51 Strip Tray
Code: 74335

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 3
Height: 12-18 inches


Aster novi-belgii Marie III Dark Pink 51 Strip Tray
Code: 74336

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial


Aster novi-belgii Peter III Blue 51 Strip Tray
Code: 74337

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 9


Aster novi-belgii Puff White 162 HD (160) Tray Std
Code: 87529

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial


Canna Cannova Bronze leaf Orange 36 P Strip Tray
Code: 139521

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual


Celosia plumosa Dragon`s Breath 162 Tray (160) Std
Code: 152612

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 24 inches


Chrysanthemum Garden 24KaraMum Bronze 162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std
Code: 155661

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Pot Crops and Cut Flowers


Chrysanthemum Garden 24KaraMum Bronze 51 Strip Tray
Code: 155584

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Pot Crops and Cut Flowers


Chrysanthemum Garden Adiva Purple 162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std
Code: 108001

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Pot Crops and Cut Flowers


Chrysanthemum Garden Aduro Orange 51 Strip Tray
Code: 155432

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Pot Crops and Cut Flowers


Cart Summary
Items: 0