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Code Name Image Price  
161927 Achillea millefolium Skysail Bright Pink 36 Strip Tray Achillea millefolium Skysail Bright Pink    36 Strip Tray $97.69
55875 Alternanthera dentata Purple Knight 36 Strip Tray Alternanthera dentata Purple Knight    36 Strip Tray $95.26
139521 Canna Cannova Bronze leaf Orange 36 P Strip Tray Canna Cannova Bronze leaf Orange    36 P Strip Tray $115.18
149314 Coreopsis x hybrida Super Star 36 Strip Tray Coreopsis x hybrida Super Star    36 Strip Tray $110.32
136058 Coreopsis x hybrida Uptick Gold and Bronze 36 Strip Tray Coreopsis x hybrida Uptick Gold and Bronze    36 Strip Tray $110.32
159475 Echinacea x hybrida Artisan Red Ombre 36 Strip Tray Echinacea x hybrida Artisan Red Ombre    36 Strip Tray $138.02
165027 Echinacea x hybrida Artisan Yellow Ombre 36 Strip Tray Echinacea x hybrida Artisan Yellow Ombre   36 Strip Tray $138.02
150894 Festuca ovina glauca Elijah Blue 162 Tray (160) Std Festuca ovina glauca Elijah Blue    162 Tray (160) Std $164.16
106411 Gaura lindheimeri Belleza Dark Pink 36 Strip Tray Gaura lindheimeri Belleza Dark Pink    36 Strip Tray $95.26
54275 Lupinus x hybrida Gallery Mix 36 P Strip Tray Lupinus x hybrida Gallery Mix    36 P Strip Tray $87.97
105470 Lychnis chalcedonica sp. 162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std Lychnis chalcedonica sp.    162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std $144.72
87794 Millet ornamental Jade Princess 36 Strip Tray Millet ornamental Jade Princess    36 Strip Tray $95.26
129151 Osteospermum Akila Purple 36 Strip Tray Osteospermum Akila Purple    36 Strip Tray $97.69
155325 Osteospermum Akila Sunset Shades 36 Strip Tray Osteospermum Akila Sunset Shades    36 Strip Tray $97.69
94659 Papaver orientale Brilliant 288 Tray (285) Std Papaver orientale Brilliant    288 Tray (285) Std $153.90
54586 Phlox subulata Emerald Blue 36 Strip Tray Phlox subulata Emerald Blue    36 Strip Tray $90.40
54591 Phlox subulata Scarlet Flame 36 Strip Tray   $90.40
87457 Poinsettia Ice Punch 25 Strip Tray Poinsettia Ice Punch    25 Strip Tray $102.60
76119 Poinsettia Prestige Red 25 Strip Tray Poinsettia Prestige Red    25 Strip Tray $79.65
156458 Poinsettia Snowy White 25 Strip Tray   $76.61
94742 Rudbeckia fulgida Goldsturm 288 Tray (285) Std Rudbeckia fulgida Goldsturm    288 Tray (285) Std $161.60
54371 Rudbeckia fulgida Goldsturm 36 Strip Tray Rudbeckia fulgida Goldsturm    36 Strip Tray $85.54
93797 Zinnia elegans Swizzle Cherry and Ivory 288 Tray (285) Std Zinnia elegans Swizzle Cherry and Ivory    288 Tray (285) Std $250.09
Achillea millefolium Skysail Bright Pink 36 Strip Tray
Code: 161927

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 3
Height: 14 inches


Alternanthera dentata Purple Knight 36 Strip Tray
Code: 55875

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 16 inches


Canna Cannova Bronze leaf Orange 36 P Strip Tray
Code: 139521

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual


Coreopsis x hybrida Super Star 36 Strip Tray
Code: 149314

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 5
Height: 14-16 inches


Coreopsis x hybrida Uptick Gold and Bronze 36 Strip Tray
Code: 136058

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 5
Height: 12-14 inches


Echinacea x hybrida Artisan Red Ombre 36 Strip Tray
Code: 159475

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 2
Height: 24 inches


Echinacea x hybrida Artisan Yellow Ombre 36 Strip Tray
Code: 165027

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 2
Height: 24 inches


Festuca ovina glauca Elijah Blue 162 Tray (160) Std
Code: 150894

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Grass
Zone: 3
Height: 8-12 inches


Gaura lindheimeri Belleza Dark Pink 36 Strip Tray
Code: 106411

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 5
Height: 12-16 inches


Lupinus x hybrida Gallery Mix 36 P Strip Tray
Code: 54275

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 3
Height: 15-20 inches


Lychnis chalcedonica sp. 162 HD (160) Seed Tray Std
Code: 105470

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 2
Height: 24-48 inches


Millet ornamental Jade Princess 36 Strip Tray
Code: 87794

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Grass
Height: 27 inches


Osteospermum Akila Purple 36 Strip Tray
Code: 129151

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 10 inches


Osteospermum Akila Sunset Shades 36 Strip Tray
Code: 155325

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 10 inches


Papaver orientale Brilliant 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 94659

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 2
Height: 30-36 inches


Phlox subulata Emerald Blue 36 Strip Tray
Code: 54586

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 2
Height: 4-6 inches


Phlox subulata Scarlet Flame 36 Strip Tray
Code: 54591

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 2
Height: 6 inches


Poinsettia Ice Punch 25 Strip Tray
Code: 87457

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Pot Crops and Cut Flowers


Poinsettia Prestige Red 25 Strip Tray
Code: 76119

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Pot Crops and Cut Flowers


Poinsettia Snowy White 25 Strip Tray
Code: 156458

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Pot Crops and Cut Flowers


Rudbeckia fulgida Goldsturm 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 94742

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 3
Height: 18-30 inches


Rudbeckia fulgida Goldsturm 36 Strip Tray
Code: 54371

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 3
Height: 18-30 inches


Zinnia elegans Swizzle Cherry and Ivory 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 93797

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 12 inches


Cart Summary
Items: 0