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Code Name Image Price  
94080 Anemone sylvestris sp. 288 Tray (285) Std Anemone sylvestris sp.    288 Tray (285) Std $176.99
93903 Cilantro sativum Santo 288 Tray (285) Std Cilantro sativum Santo    288 Tray (285) Std $142.36
90854 Dusty Miller Silver Dust 288 Tray (285) Std Dusty Miller Silver Dust    288 Tray (285) Std $150.05
95087 Flowering Cabbage wavy Osaka White 288 Tray (285) Std Flowering Cabbage wavy Osaka White    288 Tray (285) Std $150.05
95106 Flowering Kale fringed Nagoya Red 288 Tray (285) Std Flowering Kale fringed Nagoya Red    288 Tray (285) Std $150.05
159201 Lisianthus Cut Rosita 2 Blue Flash 288 DeepSpecial Production Lisianthus Cut Rosita 2 Blue Flash   288 DeepSpecial Production $184.68
159202 Lisianthus Cut Rosita 2 Blue Picotee 288 DeepSpecial Production Lisianthus Cut Rosita 2 Blue Picotee    288 DeepSpecial Production $184.68
159204 Lisianthus Cut Rosita 2 Hot Lips 288 DeepSpecial Production Lisianthus Cut Rosita 2 Hot Lips   288 DeepSpecial Production $184.68
159212 Lisianthus Cut Rosita 3 Blue 288 DeepSpecial Production Lisianthus Cut Rosita 3 Blue    288 DeepSpecial Production $184.68
159215 Lisianthus Cut Rosita 3 Pink 288 DeepSpecial Production Lisianthus Cut Rosita 3 Pink    288 DeepSpecial Production $184.68
159216 Lisianthus Cut Rosita 3 Pure White 288 DeepSpecial Production Lisianthus Cut Rosita 3 Pure White    288 DeepSpecial Production $184.68
159217 Lisianthus Cut Rosita 3 Red 288 DeepSpecial Production Lisianthus Cut Rosita 3 Red    288 DeepSpecial Production $184.68
91763 Pansy Delta Fire 288 Tray (285) Std Pansy Delta Fire    288 Tray (285) Std $157.75
91754 Pansy Delta Pink Shades 288 Tray (285) Std Pansy Delta Pink Shades    288 Tray (285) Std $157.75
91992 Pansy Delta Premium Pure Light Blue 288 Tray (285) Std Pansy Delta Premium Pure Light Blue    288 Tray (285) Std $157.75
91980 Pansy Delta Premium Pure Yellow 288 Tray (285) Std Pansy Delta Premium Pure Yellow    288 Tray (285) Std $157.75
111441 Pansy Majestic Gt II Mixed 338 Tray (335) Std Pansy Majestic Gt II Mixed    338 Tray (335) Std $165.79
91961 Pansy Majestic Gt II Purple Blotch 288 Tray (285) Std Pansy Majestic Gt II Purple Blotch    288 Tray (285) Std $157.75
111498 Pansy Matrix Blue Blotch 338 Tray (335) Std Pansy Matrix Blue Blotch    338 Tray (335) Std $165.79
111509 Pansy Matrix Light Blue 338 Tray (335) Std Pansy Matrix Light Blue    338 Tray (335) Std $165.79
92211 Pansy Panola XP White 288 Tray (285) Std   $157.75
94659 Papaver orientale Brilliant 288 Tray (285) Std Papaver orientale Brilliant    288 Tray (285) Std $153.90
94742 Rudbeckia fulgida Goldsturm 288 Tray (285) Std Rudbeckia fulgida Goldsturm    288 Tray (285) Std $161.60
93728 Viola Cornuta Penny All Seasons Mix 288 Tray (285) Std Viola Cornuta Penny All Seasons Mix    288 Tray (285) Std $155.83
93740 Viola Cornuta Penny Clear Yellow 288 Tray (285) Std Viola Cornuta Penny Clear Yellow    288 Tray (285) Std $155.83
93706 Viola Cornuta Penny Deep Blue 288 Tray (285) Std Viola Cornuta Penny Deep Blue    288 Tray (285) Std $155.83
111739 Viola Cornuta Penny Denim Jump Up 338 Tray (335) Std Viola Cornuta Penny Denim Jump Up    338 Tray (335) Std $162.26
93711 Viola Cornuta Penny Yellow Jump Up 288 Tray (285) Std Viola Cornuta Penny Yellow Jump Up    288 Tray (285) Std $155.83
93609 Viola cornuta Sorbet Icy Blue 288 Tray (285) Std Viola cornuta Sorbet Icy Blue    288 Tray (285) Std $155.83
111842 Viola cornuta Sorbet White 338 Tray (335) Std Viola cornuta Sorbet White    338 Tray (335) Std $162.26
111832 Viola cornuta Sorbet XP Mixture 338 Tray (335) Std Viola cornuta Sorbet XP Mixture    338 Tray (335) Std $162.26
104831 Viola cornuta Sorbet XP Yellow 288 Tray (285) Std Viola cornuta Sorbet XP Yellow    288 Tray (285) Std $155.83
134474 Viola cornuta Tiger Eye Red 288 Tray (285) Std Viola cornuta Tiger Eye Red    288 Tray (285) Std $165.44
93797 Zinnia elegans Swizzle Cherry and Ivory 288 Tray (285) Std Zinnia elegans Swizzle Cherry and Ivory    288 Tray (285) Std $250.09
93981 Tomato Patio   $188.53
Anemone sylvestris sp. 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 94080

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 2
Height: 12-20 inches


Cilantro sativum Santo 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 93903

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Herb
Height: 24 inches


Dusty Miller Silver Dust 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 90854

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 8 inches


Flowering Cabbage wavy Osaka White 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 95087

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 6 inches


Flowering Kale fringed Nagoya Red 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 95106

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 8 inches


Lisianthus Cut Rosita 2 Blue Flash 288 DeepSpecial Production
Code: 159201

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Pot Crops and Cut Flowers


Lisianthus Cut Rosita 2 Blue Picotee 288 DeepSpecial Production
Code: 159202

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Pot Crops and Cut Flowers


Lisianthus Cut Rosita 2 Hot Lips 288 DeepSpecial Production
Code: 159204

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Pot Crops and Cut Flowers


Lisianthus Cut Rosita 3 Blue 288 DeepSpecial Production
Code: 159212

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Pot Crops and Cut Flowers


Lisianthus Cut Rosita 3 Pink 288 DeepSpecial Production
Code: 159215

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Pot Crops and Cut Flowers


Lisianthus Cut Rosita 3 Pure White 288 DeepSpecial Production
Code: 159216

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Pot Crops and Cut Flowers


Lisianthus Cut Rosita 3 Red 288 DeepSpecial Production
Code: 159217

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Pot Crops and Cut Flowers


Pansy Delta Fire 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 91763

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 6 inches


Pansy Delta Pink Shades 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 91754

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 6 inches


Pansy Delta Premium Pure Light Blue 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 91992

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 6 inches


Pansy Delta Premium Pure Yellow 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 91980

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 6 inches


Pansy Majestic Gt II Mixed 338 Tray (335) Std
Code: 111441

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 6 inches


Pansy Majestic Gt II Purple Blotch 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 91961

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 6 inches


Pansy Matrix Blue Blotch 338 Tray (335) Std
Code: 111498

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 6 inches


Pansy Matrix Light Blue 338 Tray (335) Std
Code: 111509

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 6 inches


Pansy Panola XP White 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 92211

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual


Papaver orientale Brilliant 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 94659

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 2
Height: 30-36 inches


Rudbeckia fulgida Goldsturm 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 94742

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Perennial
Zone: 3
Height: 18-30 inches


Viola Cornuta Penny All Seasons Mix 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 93728

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 6 inches


Viola Cornuta Penny Clear Yellow 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 93740

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 6 inches


Viola Cornuta Penny Deep Blue 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 93706

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 6 inches


Viola Cornuta Penny Denim Jump Up 338 Tray (335) Std
Code: 111739

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 6 inches


Viola Cornuta Penny Yellow Jump Up 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 93711

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 6 inches


Viola cornuta Sorbet Icy Blue 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 93609

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 6 inches


Viola cornuta Sorbet White 338 Tray (335) Std
Code: 111842

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 6 inches


Viola cornuta Sorbet XP Mixture 338 Tray (335) Std
Code: 111832

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 6 inches


Viola cornuta Sorbet XP Yellow 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 104831

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 6 inches


Viola cornuta Tiger Eye Red 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 134474

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual


Zinnia elegans Swizzle Cherry and Ivory 288 Tray (285) Std
Code: 93797

Quantity in Cart: None

Class: Annual
Height: 12 inches


Tomato Patio
Code: 93981

Quantity in Cart: None


Cart Summary
Items: 0
Tomato Patio

Tomato Patio

Code: 93981
